Annaberg-Lungötz in the Salzburg Lammertal in Winter
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Emergency services from A to Z

Useful information for your holiday in Annaberg-Lungötz

What to know Emergency service number
Ärztenotdienst - Doctor´s emergency service Tel. 141
Doctor for general medicine Dr. Stölzl, Annaberg
(also pharmacy)
Tel. +43 (0)6463 8162
Pharmacy Abtenau Tel. +43 (0)6243 2255
Mountain rescue  Tel. 140
Fire department Tel. 122
Police Tel. 133
Car Breakdown service Tel. 120 (ÖAMTC) oder Tel. 123 (ARBÖ)
Red Cross / Emergency Tel. 144
Emergency in case of poisoning Tel. +43 (0)1 406 43 43 0
Avalance warning service for Salzburg Tel. +43 (0) 662 8042 2170
Dentist Annaberg, Dr. Jilani Roya Tel. +43 (0) 6463 8668
Well equipped hiking in Annaberg-Lungötz in Salzburg Land

Safe and well equipped on the mountain

What no backpack should be without

Hiking should become an experience. With the right equipment you are not only safe on the mountains, but also well equipped for many situations. You should have your equipment with you on every hike:

  • Backpack
  • Solid footwear with profiled sole

  • Sun protection
  • Windproof overgarments
  • Map material for orientation aid
  • Mobile phone (assuming that it doesn't work everywhere in the mountains)
Cows on the pasture at the foot of the Gosaukamm ©TVB Annaberg-Lungötz

Respect your borders

Behaviour with animals on a hike

During your summer holiday in Annaberg-Lungötz in the Dachstein-West hiking region, you will meet animals such as cows and calves, sheep and goats or horses that enjoy their "summer freshness"; up here. Usually the meeting of hikers and grazing animals works without problems. Therefore there are some behavioural measures that should be observed:

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