Hiking in Annaberg in Austria
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On the way with the hiking cab

Hike from Russbach to Gosau or Annaberg - the hiking cab will bring you back safely and comfortably:
06. July to 15. September: daily 

Registration: +43 (0)664 4139714 (Taxi Höll)

Cost per ride 10 € / 5 € with Tennengau Card| Children up to 15 years 5€ / 3 € with Tennnengau Card


In the morning
(registration until 18.00 the day before)

08.30 am Info office Annaberg
08.35 am valley station Donnerkogelbahn Annaberg
08.50 am Info office Abtenau
09.00 am valley station Hornbahn Rußbach
09.15 am valley station Gosaukammbahn / Gosausee


(Registration until 10.00 a.m. of the same day)

15.40 hrs Info office Annaberg
15.45 hrs valley station Donnerkogelbahn Annaberg
16.00 hrs Info office Abtenau
16.10 hrs valley station Hornbahn Russbach
16.25 hrs valley station Gosaukammbahn / Gosausee

If necessary, the hikers' parking lots Korreit and Pommer in Annaberg/Astauwinkel will be approached.




In the morning (registration until 18.00 o'clock the day before)

09.20 am valley station Gosaukammbahn / Gosausee
09.35 am valley station Hornbahn Rußbach
09.45 am Info office Abtenau
10.00 am valley station Donnerkogelbahn Annaberg
10.05 am Info office Annaberg

Afternoon (registration until 10.00 a.m. of the same day)

16.30 hrs valley station Gosaukammbahn / Gosausee
16.45 hrs valley station Hornbahn Rußbach
16.55 hrs Abtenau info office
17.10 hrs valley station Donnerkogelbahn Annaberg
17.15 hrs Info office Annaberg


Hiking tip 1

Via the Stuhlalm - Austriasteig - Gablonzerhütte - Gosausee and with the hiking cab back to the starting point

Hiking tip 2 - Family hike

With the Donnerkogelbahn to the Riedlkar - wonderful hike via the Zwieselalm to the Gosaukammbahn mountain station. Descent to Gosau and back to the starting point with the hiking cab .

Helpful links for your hiking vacation

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